

ahahahahaha xd.

Tartu .


* Igalpäeval me saame teada midagi uut nendest, kellega suhtleme.

The star

A star had fallen beyond the horizon, in Canada perhaps.(He had an aunt in Canada.) The second was nearer, just beyond the iron works, so he was not surprised when the third fell into the backyard. A flash of gold light lit the walls of the enclosing tenements and he heard a low music chord. The light turned deep red and went out, and he knew that somewhere below a star was cooling in the night air. Turning from the window he saw that no-one else had noticed. At the table his father, thoughtfully frowning, filled in a football coupon, his mother continued ironing under the pulley with its row of underwear. He said in a small voice, „A’m gawn out.“ His mother said, „ See you’re no’ long then.“ He slipped through the lobby and onto the stairhead, banging the door after him. The stairs were cold and coldly lit at each landing by a weak electric bulb. He hurried down three flights to the back silen yard and began hunting backward and foward, combing with his fingers the lank grass round the base of the clothes-pole. He found it in the midden on a decayed cabbage leaf. It was smooth and round, the size of a glass marble, and it shone with a light witch made it seem to rest on a precious bit of green and yellow velvet. He picked it up. It was warm and filled his cupped palm with a ruby glow. He put it in his pocket and went back upstairs.
The night in bed he had a closer look. He slept with his brother who was not easily wakened. Wriggling carefully far down under the sheels, he opened his palm and gazed. The star shone white and blue, making the space around him like a cave in an iceberg. He brought it close to his eye. In its depth was the pattern of a snow-flake, the grandest thing he has ever seen. He looked through the flake’s crystal lattice into an ocean of glittering blue-black waves under a sky full of huge galaxies. He heard a remote lulling sound like the sound in a sea-shell, and fell asleep with the star safety clenched in his hand.
He enjoyed it for anearly two weeks, gazing at it each night below the sheets, sometimes seeing the snow-flake, sometimes a flower, jewel, mood or landscape. At first he kept it hidden during the day but soon took to carrying it about with him; the smooth rounded gentle warmth in his pocket gave comfort when he felt insulted or neglected.
At school one afternoon he decided to take a quick look. He was at the back of the classroom in a desk by himself. The teacher was among the boys at the front row and all heads were bowed over books. Quickly he brought out the star and looked. It contained an aloof eye with a cool green pupil with dimmed and trembled as if seen throug water.
„What have you there, Cameron?“
He shuddered and shut his hand.
„Marbles are for the playground, not for the classroom. You’d better give it to me.“
„I cannae, sir.“
„I don’t tolerate disobedience, Cameron. Give me that thing!“
The boy saw the teacher’s face above him, the mouth opening and shutting under a clipped moustache. Suddenly he knew what to do and put the star in his mouth and swallowed. As the warmth sank toward his heart he felt relaxed and at ease. The teacher’s face moved into the distance. Teacher, classroom, world receded like a rocket into a warm, easy blackness leaving behind a trail of glorious stars, and he was one of them.